One post of Senior Resident in Radiological Physics [not residency a programme] is created in Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College & Hospitals, Jaipur.
This post is tenure track post for 3 years and can be renewed but not a permanent appointment. The salary is Rs. 35000/ pm [approx]. The qualification required is M.Sc Medical Physics or Post M.Sc. Dip R.P or equivalent.
- Name of Post: Senior Resident in Radiological Physics [not residency programme]
- Qualification: M.Sc Medical Physics or Post M.Sc. Dip R.P or equivalent.
- Appointment status: Tenure appointment for 3 years
- Salary (approx.): Rs.35,000/-
- Place: Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur – 302004, INDIA.
- Contact Person: Prof. (Dr.) Arun Chougule, Head, Department of Radiological Physics.
- Email: arunchougle@rediffmail.com, arunchougule1@dataone.in, arunchougule11@gmail.com
Suitable candidates may apply to the contact person as above.