The Department of Radiological Physics, SMS Medical College and Hospitals, Jaipur invites application from eligible candidates for two posts of Assistant Professor and two posts of Sr. Demonstrator.

sms college and hospital, jaipur

Qualification for the post of Assistant Professor, Department of Radiological Physics:

  1. M. Sc Physics with diploma in Radiological Physics or M. Sc Medical Physics recognized by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board.
  2. Requisite recognized postgraduate qualification in the subject.
  3. Experience: Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical college as Medical Physicist/ Tutor/ Resident/ Sr. Demonstrator.
  4. Salary: Fixed as per Govt. of Rajasthan norms. (Rs. 40040/- consolidated.)

Qualification for the post of Sr. Demonstrator, Department of Radiological Physics:

  1. M. Sc Physics with diploma in Radiological Physics or M. Sc Medical Physics recognized by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board.
  2. Requisite recognized postgraduate qualification in the subject.
  3. Experience: Fresher can apply.
  4. Salary: Fixed as per Govt. of Rajasthan norms. (Rs. 35340/- consolidated.)

For further queries please feel free to contact

Dr. Arun Chougule, Sr. Professor and Head, Department of Radiological Physics. Email: , Mob: +91- 9928140113.