Dear Members,

This report describes about professional, scientific, academic, educational and financial management performance of Association of Medical Physicists of India (AMPI) for the 2023-2024 after the last annual conference of the association.

This annual report is a reflection of the joint efforts and contributions of AMPI Executive Committee (EC), Board of Trustees (BOT), Editorial Board of the Journal of Medical Physics (JMP), Board of College of Medical Physics of India (CMPI) and regional/state chapters (AMPI Chapters) in their respective areas towards achieving objectives of the association. This report briefly gives an idea to the general members of the association about what we have accomplished during the last one year and how to work towards completing the future/ remaining in the coming years. We welcome suggestions and comments from all AMPI members to enable improved and more effective functioning of our association.

Therefore, we are placing this annual report of AMPI 2024 before all the members of AMPI for your consideration and for approval in the forthcoming annual general body meeting of the association at AMPICON2024 venue at Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Hyderabad.

(Dr. Anuj Kumar)
Secretary, AMPI